At the Hotel Paradis, we choose to consume as much as possible locally. Sourcing from local merchants and producers is often a guarantee of better quality and more responsible consumption. This is in any case what we strive to promote within the Ginto collection. 

Going through short circuits is in coherence with the values of quality, transparency and proximity advocated by Ginto Hotels. This approach is also in line with our desire to allow each of our hotels to keep their character, and to highlight their neighborhood or region that they are so proud to make you discover by welcoming you in their establishment. Discover a selection of our favorites, from the 10th arrondissement of the region. 

The Hotel Paradis is now committed to Café Joyeux solidarity restaurants. By offering high quality coffee "Café Joyeux" to all our customers, the Hotel Paradis supports the mission and development of Café Joyeux.. Its ambition? To make disability visible and to encourage encounters, by offering work, in a regular environment, to people who are far from employment.

For breakfast, we offer you fresh bread by one of our neighbors : Julhès delicatessen located in the 10th arrondissement, a family-owned store passionate about gastronomy. 

📍 Maison Julhès
56 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Denis, 75010 Paris.
🚶🏻 1 KM away from the Hotel Paradis 

To start the day, you will find home-made yogurts for breakfast. Made with whole milk, you will appreciate their sweetness and their velvety texture. These yoghurts will make the joy of children and adults. To be flavored with sugar, honey, jam, or a handful of cereals & fruits: they will perfectly complete your breakfast.

📍 Hôtel Paradis Paris
10th arrondissement of Paris 

To start the day, you will find also for breakfast granola made by our team. Our granola will be ideal with our home-made yoghurts or compotes.

📍 Hôtel Paradis Paris
10th arrondissement of Paris 

To enhance your breakfast, we have selected a honey from the Hey Honey beekeeping. This product comes from a bee farm in Oise, 50KM from the hotel, where it was harvested and packaged. Its extraction is operated cold to preserve all the virtues of the product. Find this honey on your table and extend your local taste experience. 

📍 Hey Honey Beekeeping, Boran-sur-Oise
🚶🏻  50 KM away from the Hotel Paradis 

Behind this local adventure, an entrepreneur Marc Périvier supported by his brother. In this 100% organic "urban brewery", located near the Puces de Saint-Ouen, the objective is not to offer quantity but high quality. You can taste its lager and IPA beer on sale at the hotel to quench your thirst.

📍 Saint-Ouen Brewery, 101 rue de Docteur Bauer, 93400 Paris. 🚶🏻 4,7 KM away from the Hotel Paradis 

The ambition of the Limonaderie de Paris? To make the capital sparkle with a local and 100% French drink made in Ile-de-France. Paris Cola and Parismonade have quickly conquered the hearts of Parisians: Paris cola is on sale at the hotel and to be enjoyed after a day's stroll in the 10th arrondissement! 

📍 Limonaderie de Paris, Nanterre
🚶🏻 12 KM away from the Hotel Paradis 

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