Da das 10. Arrondissement Teil der DNA des Hotel Paradis ist, sind wir immer auf der Suche nach inspirierenden Erlebnissen, damit Sie das Beste aus Ihrem Aufenthalt machen können. Treffen Sie die wichtigsten Persönlichkeiten des 10. Arrondissements. #LesVoisinsduParadis
Pierre-François, der Gründer des NATIVES, hat eine Leidenschaft für Lateinamerika und seine Fusionsküche und lädt Sie ein, gewagte peruanische Geschmacksrichtungen zu entdecken. In der Rue d'Hauteville gelegen, empfängt dieses gemütliche Restaurant mit einem kleinen Team von Enthusiasten etwa zwanzig Gäste in einem intimen Rahmen.
Die Küche des NATIVES ist eine Ode an die peruanische Inspiration, die mit Kühnheit und Kreativität neu interpretiert wird. Auf der Speisekarte stehen Gerichte, die von der kulinarischen Geschichte Perus geprägt sind, asiatische und kreolische Einflüsse aufweisen und in ganz Lateinamerika sehr bekannt sind. Klassiker wie Ceviche, Empanadas und Fleischeintöpfe werden neu interpretiert, um den würzigen Aromen der peruanischen Küche eine gewisse Leichtigkeit zu verleihen, ohne dabei ihre traditionelle Essenz zu verlieren.
Die kurze, aber sorgfältig durchdachte Speisekarte bietet sowohl zum Mittag- als auch zum Abendessen ein authentisches kulinarisches Erlebnis. Sie lädt die Gäste zu einer geschmacklichen Reise ein.
Natives verkörpert auch eine durchdachte Herangehensweise an das Kochen, bei der jedes Rohprodukt sorgfältig erwogen wird, um es in seiner Gesamtheit zu verarbeiten und zu verwenden. Diese Philosophie spiegelt ein tiefes Engagement für eine verantwortungsvolle Küche und gegen Verschwendung wider.Natives
66 Rue d'Hauteville
75010 Paris
Seit acht Jahren lässt das Chez Minnà mit seiner herzlichen Atmosphäre und authentischen Küche Korsika im 10. Arrondissement von Paris erstrahlen. Das von Saveriu Cacciari, einem leidenschaftlichen Anhänger seines korsischen Erbes, gegründete Restaurant verkörpert die Essenz der Gastronomie und der Gastfreundschaft der Insel der Schönheit.
Für Saveriu ist das 10. Arrondissement weit mehr als nur ein lebhaftes Viertel. Angezogen von seiner Dynamik und der unaufhörlichen Mischung der Pariser Arbeiter, fand er an diesem Ort den idealen Rahmen, um seine Leidenschaft für die korsische Küche zu teilen.
Chez Minnà, ist ein kleines Restaurant, das von einem engagierten Team aus neun Personen geführt wird. Es zeichnet sich durch seine typische Bistroküche aus, in der hausgemachte und authentische Produkte, die direkt aus Korsika importiert werden, zur Geltung kommen. Die kurze, aber sorgfältig zusammengestellte Speisekarte feiert die einzigartigen Geschmäcker der Insel, insbesondere ihre berühmten Wurstwaren.Anekdote: Neben seiner treuen Kundschaft ist Chez Minna auch ein beliebter Ort für bekannte Persönlichkeiten. Es wird sogar gemunkelt, dass einige bekannte Schauspieler es sich nicht nehmen lassen, regelmäßig vorbeizukommen und die neuen kulinarischen Kreationen auf der Speisekarte zu entdecken.
Chez Minnà
20 rue d'Hauteville
75010 Paris
In der 48 rue du Faubourg Poissonnière finden Sie unsere Lieblingsadresse für feine Sandwiches im Viertel: Ficelle. Ficelle wird von zwei Freunden empfangen, die leidenschaftliche Genießer und Liebhaber der guten Küche sind, und ist eine Einladung zu einem gemeinsamen Moment rund um ein nicht alltägliches Sandwich. Und wie der Name schon sagt, bereiten Christophe & Sébastien in einem Ficelle-Baguette vor Ihren Augen Sandwiches zu, die mit außergewöhnlichen Produkten belegt sind. Und weil man Genuss ohne Mäßigung genießen sollte, können Sie aus den französischen Käsesorten der Käserei Beillevaire wählen, ihr Simmentaler Rindfleisch oder den unumgänglichen Iberischen Schinken für Ihr Mittagessen auswählen.
Als unumgänglicher Treffpunkt für Sandwich-Liebhaber kehrt Ficelle den Trend des Pariser Sandwichs um und bietet Ihnen Gourmet-Sandwiches mit frischen Produkten, die der französischen Gastronomie alle Ehre machen.
Anekdote: Adresse vieler Stammkunden im Pariser Zentrum, Ficelle hat sich schon lange vor seiner Eröffnung mit einer starken und selbstbewussten Identität einen Namen gemacht. Es war übrigens ganz natürlich für dieses leidenschaftliche Duo, dass sie ihre erste Bestellung für eine Afterwork-Party mit 40 Personen erhielten. Am Tag vor der Eröffnung ihres Sandwichladens. Bei Ficelle wurden schon viele Baguettes gegessen!
48 Rue du Faubourg Poissonnière
75010 Paris
Welcome to the only distillery in Paris! Nestled in the heart of the Faubourg Saint - Denis, Nicolas Julhès creates exceptional gins, vodkas, whiskies and rums while advocating a creative approach close to gastronomy and perfumery.
Nicolas draws on his experience as a modern delicatessen at the family-run Maison Julhès and as a consultant for Diageo (the world's leading spirits company) to "imagine spirits able of arousing emotion and creating memories". The Paris distillery does not claim an ancestral know-how, but rather an exploratory approach whose playground is Paris. "Paris is the heart of creation, creativity and aesthetics. The 10th arrondissement is the most French of the Parisian arrondissements. At the crossroads of the Gare du Nord and the Gare de l'Est, the Rue du Faubourg Saint-Denis is bubbling: the whole world entwines, cultures and social categories intersect to create a unique energy. " During his travels, Nicolas likes to be connected to the authentic side of a city and the 10th arrondissement totally delivers on that level. From these encounters, Nicolas captures the scents that he has the talent to transcribe into taste.
Good to know : 5 years after its creation, the Paris distillery delivered all its promises and maintains in its creations as well as outside a curiosity for perfumery which will lead its alembic still to also give birth to 3 unique eaux de parfum. To spray without moderation!
Excessive drinking may damage your health, drink with moderation.
La Distillerie de Paris
60 rue du Faubourg St Denis
75010 Paris
Welcome to the only distillery in Paris! Nestled in the heart of the Faubourg Saint - Denis, Nicolas Julhès creates exceptional gins, vodkas, whiskies and rums while advocating a creative approach close to gastronomy and perfumery.
Nicolas draws on his experience as a modern delicatessen at the family-run Maison Julhès and as a consultant for Diageo (the world's leading spirits company) to "imagine spirits able of arousing emotion and creating memories". The Paris distillery does not claim an ancestral know-how, but rather an exploratory approach whose playground is Paris. "Paris is the heart of creation, creativity and aesthetics. The 10th arrondissement is the most French of the Parisian arrondissements. At the crossroads of the Gare du Nord and the Gare de l'Est, the Rue du Faubourg Saint-Denis is bubbling: the whole world entwines, cultures and social categories intersect to create a unique energy. " During his travels, Nicolas likes to be connected to the authentic side of a city and the 10th arrondissement totally delivers on that level. From these encounters, Nicolas captures the scents that he has the talent to transcribe into taste.
Good to know : 5 years after its creation, the Paris distillery delivered all its promises and maintains in its creations as well as outside a curiosity for perfumery which will lead its alembic still to also give birth to 3 unique eaux de parfum. To spray without moderation!
Excessive drinking may damage your health, drink with moderation.
La Distillerie de Paris
60 rue du Faubourg St Denis
75010 Paris
Die Galerie Miranda ist eine auf Fotografie spezialisierte Galerie und Buchhandlung in der Rue du Château d'Eau. Die Galerie wurde 2018 von Miranda Salt, einer quirligen Australierin, die in Paris lebt, gegründet und hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, Werke von Fotografinnen zu präsentieren, die häufig, aber ausschließlich weiblich sind und aus dem Ausland stammen, in ihren Ländern anerkannt sind, aber in Frankreich oder Europa kaum ausgestellt werden. "Die Idee ist es, qualitativ hochwertige Künstler und Sammlerstücke auf dem Pariser Markt zu entdecken, die ich nach Herzenslust auswähle. Ich biete eine recht eklektische Auswahl, die von Stücken aus dem 19. Jahrhundert bis hin zu zeitgenössischeren oder experimentelleren Stücken reicht".
Für Miranda, die 1995 am Quai de Valmy nach Frankreich kam, war es selbstverständlich, ihre Galerie in diesem Viertel zu eröffnen. Das 10. Arrondissement entspricht auch heute noch ihrer Weltanschauung, ihren Werten und ihrem Lebensstil: ein überschaubares Stadtviertel, in dem die kulturelle Mischung und Vermischung ein fester Bestandteil des täglichen Lebens sind.
Neben der Galerie gibt es einen Buchladen, der Biografien und Lebensgeschichten, kritische Texte und Künstlerbücher anbietet.
Anekdote: Die Galerie Miranda eröffneté ihr Programm am 8. März 2018, dem Internationalen Frauentag, mit einer ersten Ausstellungsreihe, dié Künstlerinnen mit außergewöhnlichen Lebensläufen gewidmet war, darunter Jo Ann Callis. Diese Ausstellung bleibt bis heute eine ihrer schönsten Erinnerungen, denn die Arbeit dieser amerikanischen Künstlerin in Frankreich bekannt zu machen, war eine echte Herausforderung.
Galerie Miranda
21 rue du Château d'Eau
75010 Paris
With experiences in Asia and Latin America, then a memorable stint with Chef William Ledeuil (Ze Kitchen Galerie), Adrien Ferrand launched his own restaurant 3 years ago in the heart of the 10th arrondissement. The open kitchen sets the tone of this sober and uncluttered space, with its wooden cameos. Adrien Ferrand, Felix Le Louarn (restaurant manager) and his team invite you to enjoy an evolving and creative cuisine. His signature dish? The Eel, restaurant's eponymous main course.
On September 28th, Adrien will open his second address, honouring the tradition and conviviality of Asian cuisine with French products. We wish him and his team a great success!
Fun fact: the 1st service of the Restaurant Eels took place on Bastille Day!
Eels Restaurant
27 rue d'Hauteville
75010 Paris
Déviant is a casual & funk wine bar, open to the outdoors which gives it this friendly & latin atmosphere.
At the helm for 2 years, a duo of Chefs Mathias & Giovanni of Italian & Columbian descents. At the counter, a blend of cultures for a market cuisine essentially composed of fresh products: cod accras, fresh panzanella, grilled asparagus... A not to be missed moment, especially after-work.
Fun Fact : Deviant features one of the most extensive wine selection of the district. You will be sure to find whatever your mood desires.
39 rue des Petites Ecuries
75010 Paris
Welcome to the only distillery in Paris! Nestled in the heart of the Faubourg Saint - Denis, Nicolas Julhès creates exceptional gins, vodkas, whiskies and rums while advocating a creative approach close to gastronomy and perfumery.
Nicolas draws on his experience as a modern delicatessen at the family-run Maison Julhès and as a consultant for Diageo (the world's leading spirits company) to "imagine spirits able of arousing emotion and creating memories". The Paris distillery does not claim an ancestral know-how, but rather an exploratory approach whose playground is Paris. "Paris is the heart of creation, creativity and aesthetics. The 10th arrondissement is the most French of the Parisian arrondissements. At the crossroads of the Gare du Nord and the Gare de l'Est, the Rue du Faubourg Saint-Denis is bubbling: the whole world entwines, cultures and social categories intersect to create a unique energy. " During his travels, Nicolas likes to be connected to the authentic side of a city and the 10th arrondissement totally delivers on that level. From these encounters, Nicolas captures the scents that he has the talent to transcribe into taste.
Good to know : 5 years after its creation, the Paris distillery delivered all its promises and maintains in its creations as well as outside a curiosity for perfumery which will lead its alembic still to also give birth to 3 unique eaux de parfum. To spray without moderation!
Excessive drinking may damage your health, drink with moderation.
La Distillerie de Paris
60 rue du Faubourg St Denis
75010 Paris
Cousins and co-founders, Eugénie and Camille welcome you in the hushed and poetic setting of their boutique "Les Voltigeuses", imagined 8 years ago. You will discover a wide selection of clothes, shoes and accessories imagined by talented designers. The pieces are chosen on heart's desire. Their buying process? Never offer a piece for sale that would not please the other. Keep a close eye on them : creating their own line is something they have on their radars, and we are sure will be to die for.
Fun fact : The duo celebrates their anniversary every year, in December, with a special event in their boutique !
Les Voltigeuses
55 rue des Petites Ecuries
75010 Paris
Claudine Cornillat, director of the Max Linder Panorama, welcomes you to this true neighborhood cinema with a unique personality. Its 16 m long canvas and its three levels (orchestra-mezzanine-balcony) benefit from a programming that alternates both independent and blockbuster films.
A fan of cinema and this unique venue, Claudine Cornillat seized the opportunity to acquire this mythical cinema, adored by Parisians in 2004.
Many French directors frequent this Parisian institution, using it for copy checks and screening tests, as a preview of films.
Max Linder Movie Theatre
28 bouelavard Poissonnière
75009 Paris
Passionate about pastry and sales, Charlotte Magaud, decided after a few years in the financial sector to change her professional path and link her two passions. After a first experience with Pastry Chef Cyril Lignac, she joined the Café Michalak in October 2019 as Manager of the pastry shop on rue du Faubourg Poissonnière.
First address of the iconic & innovative Pastry Chef Christophe Michalak, Le café Michalak is also a warm place to discover a sweet selection to be eaten on the spot. Charlotte and her team find there the conviviality of the 10th district through the family spirit created with the customers.
For pastry lovers, Chef Michalak shares his secrets during masterclasses at the back of the boutique. The concept is simple 3 hours, 3 cakes to replicate at home!
Finding it hard to choose among the selection of desserts? Charlotte recommends one of Michalak's favorite creations: The Cappuccino Trompe l'oeil, praline leaf, cocoa cookie and a coffee-infused milk foam. A gourmet and light dessert that will delight your taste buds.
Café Michalak & Masterclass School
60 rue du Faubourg Poissonnière
75010 Paris
After a 16-year career in advertising, Bénédicte Chevallier launched into decoration.
The Atelier Pablo was created in 2006 as a flea market and a painting workshop for children.
Over time the workshop has evolved into a concept store where you will find furniture, decorative objects, jewellery and vintage clothes. The recent refurbishment of its cellar as a pop-up store has allowed, since September 2020, to offer a showroom space to decor & lifestyle designers to the delight of customers.
Out of a passion for oenology, Bénédicte also hosts wine and champagne tastings which punctuate the life of her workshop. Stay tuned for the next dates to accompany your shopping!
L'Atelier Pablo
34 rue d'Hauteville
75010 Paris
15 years ago, Gaëlle Giard decided to go into the leather goods business and created her brand of bags Lili Cabas.
Gaelle opened her first boutique in the 10th arrondissement: a neighborhood she describes as cosmopolitan with a strong social bond. Over time, she has found her place, and today defines herself as the "second baker in the neighborhood".
You can find at Lili Cabas Gaëlle's multiple creations & designs, as well as jewelry, accessories and ready-to-wear pieces carefully selected. And not to make anyone jealous, Gaëlle has also opened a boutique for children, under the name of "Kotozane", just next door to her 1st boutique.
Lili Cabas
24 rue des Petites Ecuries
75010 Paris
Passionate about literature, from a very young age, Gaëlle started her career in publishing as a saleswoman in the bookstore 'Les Arpenteurs' in the 9th district. She is now the manager of l'Ouvre Boîte, a bookstore created in 2011, by Sarbacanes Editions, then bought 1 year ago by her first employer 'Les Arpenteurs'.
Gaëlle dreamed of becoming a publisher, but realized over time that the exchange with the readers was more important & enriching in her eyes. She loves to exchange with her clients, especially the clients of the 10th arrondissement which she describes as young, open-minded and very caring.
Looking for something new? Gaëlle recommends her favorite books: Chavirer, by Lola Lafon and Sept Gingembres, by Christophe Perruchas, a resident of the 10th arrondissement.
L'Ouvre Boite
20 rue des Petites Ecuries
75010 Paris
Launched in December 2015, La Réclame is a neighborhood grocery store showcasing regional and gourmet products that bridge the gap between the Mediterranean and the mountains.
After 23 years in the fashion industry, the project of La Réclame has been an obvious choice for Isabelle Plaisance as early as March 2012. La Réclame is her new start, with the recurrent desire to start from a raw material to transform and sublimate it. Her entrepreneurial project was built on her experience as a designer: similar to the creation of her collections, Isabelle was able to anticipate the food shift that took place in particular through the need for authentic and local products.
Through her recipes, all products meet a well thought-out charter by its founder: a selection of artisanal specialties from Franche-Comté and Tuscany. The affection for these 2 regions is linked to the founder's childhood memories.
More than just a local shop, La Réclame also responds to the need to meet each other. Behind the counter, in this retro-looking mini-home, a team of 4 people will help you discover fresh, quality products through recipes that are unanimously accepted by the entire neighborhood. A deli and cheese counter, homemade recipes, and a wine cellar are the starting point of La Réclame. The signature product not to be missed? Le Florin. This delicious bread from Bologna, produced on site every morning, is generously topped with a fine selection of charcuteries and cheeses from France & Italy.La Réclame
34 rue des Petites Ecuries
75010 Paris@bienvenue_store
Born in Marseille with parents who were restaurateurs, Nicolas had initially chosen to study law but at 25 found himself the owner of a cocktail bar in the 3rd arrondissement of Paris. He decided to open his second bar in the 10th arrondissement on May 26th 2019, which he called "Divine". Divine is a bar specializing in cocktails, with music from the 90s and a relaxed atmosphere.
Since his arrival, Nicolas discovers a new clientele that he appreciates and aims to develop this neighborhood life and especially on weekends. It is open every day from 6pm to 2am and offers a brunch on Sundays! His team is made up of rather atypical profiles who discover and learn the barman's job with the help of his advice.
61 rue d'Hauteville
75010 Paris
At Julhès Paris, the passion for gastronomy and good things is a family love story.
This family-owned epicurean store, which celebrates its 25th anniversary this year, was founded at the 58 rue du Faubourg Saint - Denis and has expanded over the years to the 10th, 11th and 12th arrondissements.
Today, Julhès House has 9 delicatessens where you will find a selection of the best products to enhance your brunches, aperitifs or meals: cellar, wines & spirits, groceries, cheese, delicatessen, tea and chocolates. Bread, pastries and chocolate are made by the house.
Good to know: To celebrate its 25th anniversary, Julhes House is preparing a series of events including tastings starting October 2021. Don't miss the start of the celebration by following their Instagram account!Maison Julhes – Landmark address
54-56 rue du Faubourg St Denis
75010 Paris
Welcome to the only distillery in Paris! Nestled in the heart of the Faubourg Saint - Denis, Nicolas Julhès creates exceptional gins, vodkas, whiskies and rums while advocating a creative approach close to gastronomy and perfumery.
Nicolas draws on his experience as a modern delicatessen at the family-run Maison Julhès and as a consultant for Diageo (the world's leading spirits company) to "imagine spirits able of arousing emotion and creating memories". The Paris distillery does not claim an ancestral know-how, but rather an exploratory approach whose playground is Paris. "Paris is the heart of creation, creativity and aesthetics. The 10th arrondissement is the most French of the Parisian arrondissements. At the crossroads of the Gare du Nord and the Gare de l'Est, the Rue du Faubourg Saint-Denis is bubbling: the whole world entwines, cultures and social categories intersect to create a unique energy. " During his travels, Nicolas likes to be connected to the authentic side of a city and the 10th arrondissement totally delivers on that level. From these encounters, Nicolas captures the scents that he has the talent to transcribe into taste.
Good to know : 5 years after its creation, the Paris distillery delivered all its promises and maintains in its creations as well as outside a curiosity for perfumery which will lead its alembic still to also give birth to 3 unique eaux de parfum. To spray without moderation!
Excessive drinking may damage your health, drink with moderation.
La Distillerie de Paris
60 rue du Faubourg St Denis
75010 Paris
Welcome to the only distillery in Paris! Nestled in the heart of the Faubourg Saint - Denis, Nicolas Julhès creates exceptional gins, vodkas, whiskies and rums while advocating a creative approach close to gastronomy and perfumery.
Nicolas draws on his experience as a modern delicatessen at the family-run Maison Julhès and as a consultant for Diageo (the world's leading spirits company) to "imagine spirits able of arousing emotion and creating memories". The Paris distillery does not claim an ancestral know-how, but rather an exploratory approach whose playground is Paris. "Paris is the heart of creation, creativity and aesthetics. The 10th arrondissement is the most French of the Parisian arrondissements. At the crossroads of the Gare du Nord and the Gare de l'Est, the Rue du Faubourg Saint-Denis is bubbling: the whole world entwines, cultures and social categories intersect to create a unique energy. " During his travels, Nicolas likes to be connected to the authentic side of a city and the 10th arrondissement totally delivers on that level. From these encounters, Nicolas captures the scents that he has the talent to transcribe into taste.
Good to know : 5 years after its creation, the Paris distillery delivered all its promises and maintains in its creations as well as outside a curiosity for perfumery which will lead its alembic still to also give birth to 3 unique eaux de parfum. To spray without moderation!
Excessive drinking may damage your health, drink with moderation.
La Distillerie de Paris
60 rue du Faubourg St Denis
75010 Paris
Born from their meeting in 2016, Mamiche is a real "neighbourhood" bakery founded by Cécile Khayat and Victoria Effantin. When the two co-founders met, Victoria was a marketing project manager at Lov Organic and Cécile was in charge of the development at Marlette. However, they both had the desire to launch their own bakery, based on the observation that the bakery-pastry industry was struggling to reinvent itself.
Their concept? Reinvent the traditional bakery model, by bringing in fresh, 100% home-made products: from baguettes to sandwiches.
The choice to open their bakery in the 10th arrondissement is not insignificant: the dynamism and diversity of the neighborhood provided them with what they always wanted. An open, warm and friendly place to connect with their customers.
Fun fact: Virgil Abloh, Artistic Director of Louis Vuitton’s Menswear, shared and on its Instagram profile one of their posts. The number of followers increased drastically for 3 weeks after that, although the two co-founders have never meet him.
Mamiche Bakery
32 rue du Château d'Eau
75010 Paris